
Find A Loan For You

No Matter What You Need To Borrow For, We Have A Loan To Suit You!

Try out our quick and easy loan calculator below

9.68% APR

This rate is commonly used for various personal purposes like holidays, smaller home improvements, insurance costs, household goods, medical/dental expenses and personal loans.











This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. The Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary.

Representative Example

Borrow a Standard Loan of €1,000 over 12 months, repay €88 per month, total amount payable (including interest of €51) is €1,051.00. Annual interest rate  is 9.25% (9.65 APR). APR= Annual Percentage Rate.

Borrowing with Altura CU

  • We offer competitive rates on Car Loans, Education Loans and Home Improvement Loans for projects big and small
  • Not a Member? Not a problem, we have a quick Membership Onboarding process, all controlled from our Mobile App
  • We offer Loan, Home and Travel Insurance
  • We have helpful staff who can help you find the right loan for you

Loan Applications Requirements

We now use digital technology to allow you to securely share your current account information with us called open banking. If you choose open banking, you will not need to supply payslips, or paper statements*

  • Photo ID (Passport/Driving Licence) - If not recently on file with us.
  • Proof of Address - If not recently on file with us.

Open banking, is a much easier option for you, and speeds up the decision making process -more information here.

If you do not choose the open banking option

  • 3 Months Current Account Statements and payslips need to be provided. This may delay your application, as you need to gather the documents and we need to manually review them.

Please Note: The above are required for each person and/or guarantor associated with an application. *We reserve the right to seek additional documents for any loan application.

Benefits of a Loan with Altura CU

  • Loans are insured at no direct cost to you, to provide death cover (T's & C's Apply). More information here
  • We have a quick and easy Loan application process
  • We give you the ability to apply online, upload your documents and digitally sign for your loan, without leaving your home!
  • We have a personable approach to Loan Applications, we will sit with you and run through exactly what you need
  • We have loans for all purposes & rates available, have a chat to us for more information

Loan Applications

  • All loan applications are handled in the strictest of confidence
  • We will easily explain how much you need to pay back
  • Top-Up loans are available to all Members
  • Don’t forget, it can all be done online
  • You can call 0818 345 925 for advice, or to apply