Holiday Loans
We all need a good holiday after the past couple of years. We can help you with the cost of your upcoming holiday. Our holiday loans are spread over a one year period so you have it repaid in time for next year's holiday. If you are going on a huge, once in a lifetime trip, we can spread the cost over a longer time, we will discuss your options when you apply.
Our Rate on holiday loans is just 9.25% (9.69% APR). Compare this to other options an you will see how affordable Altura's option is. This is significantly less than if you spread the cost over a year on a credit card or overdraft facility.
Example: A holiday loan of €2,000 spread over one year works out at €40.30 weekly for 52 weeks. Total amount repayable is €2,095.43. The cost of the loan is €95.43.
When using the loan calculator, choose Standard Loan as the purpose. This is because holiday loans are at our great standard rate of just 9.25% (9.69% APR).
APR= Annual Percentage Rate
This rate is commonly used for various personal purposes like holidays, smaller home improvements, insurance costs, household goods, medical/dental expenses and personal loans.
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. The Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary.
Warning: If you do not keep up the payments on your loan, your account will fall into arrears. This may affect your ability to
access credit in the future. Altura Credit Union Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland

Get Your Holiday Loan Sorted & Start Making Plans!