Arrears Support
Don't Ignore Arrears, come and talk to us. We can help.
What happens if I don’t or can’t repay my loan as agreed?
We understand and empathise with the challenges some of our members face, for example, a reduced income, illness, loss of employment, relationship breakup, other debts falling due to name but a few, to then be faced with the worry and burden of how to address and repay them.
We now have a dedicated Arrears Support Unit within our credit control department to assist you get back on track. We would like to work with you, within your financial circumstances to address the matter.
Altura Credit Union Ltd. recommends that you make contact with us at the earliest possible stage to advise us of any changes in your circumstances or any temporary difficulties you might be experiencing. It is very important that you make contact with us to discuss your options and to keep us updated on any changes that may affect your ability to repay your loans.
Our arrears support unit are available to assist you with budgeting your finances and reducing the worry associated with your debt. There are many options available to you and our aim is to help you along the way to getting the account back on track and repairing your credit rating.
We have a dedicated mortgage arrears resolution process so you know what to expect, and how we will support you.
The Arrears Support Unit are available Monday – Saturday. We can be contacted by email or on our direct line 053 9488709 (All Areas).
WARNING: Arrears on your loan may affect your future ability to access credit with the credit union and all other financial institutions as Altura Credit Union Ltd. is registered with the Central Credit Register. |